Fee Comparison

Payment Processing 2.5% +30 cents2.5% +30 cents2.5% +30 cents
Selling Fees 15%9%7.75%2.5%

Selling Information

When you receive an order you must package and ship the items in your local country at no additional cost. You must factor in these costs when calculating the selling price for an item.

Packaging$0.10 minimumPaid to packing supplier.
Shipping$0.49 minimumPaid to shipping company.
Withdraw Charges$1.50 weekly
(Assuming weekly withdrawals)
Paid to payment processor.

Charge backs and refunds:
Do to the modern nature of online payment processing it's possible for a buyer reverse a payment even though the seller is at no fault. Please only send items to buyers that you feel are legitimate and will pay. Please be aware of the risk of fraud in online transactions.